The busy St Andrews Morning Market is held annually on the campus of St Andrews Church, Kildare Road Newlands. All proceeds go to charities.
This year’s event is on Saturday 9 November. We sell crafts, gifts, books, children’s toys, linen, clothes, CDs and DVDs, kitchen utensils, bric-a-brac. We also sell art and plants.
Visit our renowned deli stall for real jam, preserves, crunchies, nuts, fresh veggies, cakes and fudge. The Cape Town Concert Brass Band will play in the church from 1030 and the tea garden is open for relaxation.
Join in the love and fun from 0830 to noon this Saturday.
Here is the link for the history of the church. http://www.standrewsnewlands.org.za/a-brief-history/